In the eighth installment of “10 Years Out: Stories from My Queer Community,” your host Sam Fagan welcomes Ruoyun Killian, a cisgender, bisexual woman of Asian American heritage. Join Sam and Ruoyun as they delve into her unique perspective on queerness and the absence of religious baggage surrounding her bisexuality.
Ruoyun shares her personal journey and highlights the gradual yet undeniable changes she has witnessed within the queer community over the years. With her diverse background and experiences, Ruoyun sheds light on the evolving dynamics and the importance of embracing change within the LGBTQ+ community.
Drawing from her work expertise, Ruoyun takes a thought-provoking dive into the Target Pride scandal. She discusses the significance of finding belonging within the queer community and how the incident affected those seeking validation and acceptance. Through this conversation, listeners gain insight into the complexities surrounding representation, allyship, and corporate responsibility.
Tune in to this enlightening episode of “10 Years Out: Stories from My Queer Community” as Sam and Ruoyun engage in a heartfelt conversation, exploring the power of change, the yearning for belonging, and the importance of allyship within the queer community.
Ruoyun’s Instagram:
Sam’s Instagram:
Rouyun is another amazing person! You know so many brilliant, creative and courageous people. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. Thank you. These podcasts are so worthwhile, Sam. “Aligned” with ourself, once again, the theme recurs. Listening to one’s intuition….Not ignoring one’s own insights.